Gtk::AboutDialog issue.

This is almost certainly something trivial that I am missing but...

The Gtk::AboutDialog instance I have in my application opens fine
whenever it is required to.  All the sub-dialogues do what is expected.
However, the Close button of the Gtk:AboutDialog does nothing.  I would
have expected it to hide the dialog.  Clicking the window manager close
button on the dialog frame gets rid of the dialog but it would be good
if the close button worked.  The following is the code I have:

 void showAbout ( ) {
  static Gtk::AboutDialog * about ( 0 ) ;
  if ( about == 0 ) {
    std::vector<Glib::ustring> authors ;
    authors.push_back ( "Russel Winder <russel russel org uk>" ) ;
    //std::vector<Glib::ustring> documentors ;
    about = new Gtk::AboutDialog ;
    about->set_authors ( authors ) ;
    about->set_comments ( _( "A font browser for GTK+, Fontconfig, Pango
based system." ) ) ;
    about->set_copyright ( "Copyright (c) 2005-6 Russel Winder" ) ;
    //about->set_documenters ( documentors ) ;
    about->set_license ( _( "This program is licenced under GNU General
Public Licence (GPL) version 2." ) ) ;
    about->set_logo ( Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file
( PKGDATADIR"/about_logo.png" ) ) ;
    about->set_name ( "GFontBrowser" ) ;
    about->set_translator_credits ( _( "Translator Credits" ) ) ;
    about->set_version ( VERSION ) ;
  about->show ( ) ;
  about->raise ( ) ;

Dr Russel Winder                +44 20 7585 2200
41 Buckmaster Road              +44 7770 465 077
London SW11 1EN, UK             russel russel org uk

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