Re: Crash in Windows

I meant gtkmm-2.10.6

The crash is occuring at random time, means, you dont know when its
going to crash, and
the crash is consistent, means, its crashing at the same location every time.

I was trying to get debug build, but debug build crashes at different
location, but the function call at that location is same

I was trying to get stack trace, but in vain, but in the end its
showing ntdll.dll as the last pointer.

I'm using scons for build procedure, and hence, i'm giving the release
and debug flags myself.

The flags i'm giving for debug build are

cl /vd2 /GR /EHsc /W2 /errorReport:prompt /Od /ZI /MTd

and for release build the flags are

cl /vd2 /GR /EHsc /W2 /errorReport:prompt /Ob1 /O2 /MT /GF /Gy

I'm using visual studio 2005.

Somebody Please help me out.


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