Re: Adding custom GDK events

Am Freitag, den 12.01.2007, 00:23 +0000 schrieb Chris Vine:

> With Glib::signal_idle() you have to reconnect the slot every time you want it 
> to fire (and make sure you return false).  With Glib::Dispatcher you just 
> call emit on it (it is in effect a thread safe version of 
> sigc::signal0<void>).  Glib::signal_idle() is more convenient if you want to 
> pass different data on each invocation, because you can do that by binding to 
> the slot.  You should only emit Glib::Dispatcher from a different thread from 
> the main GUI thread.  Glib::signal_idle() is thread safe and can be called 
> from the main GUI thread or any other thread.

Oh sh*t.  If I had only known that Glib::signal_idle() was thread-safe,
I might never have started working on Glib::Dispatcher :-)

It does have the advantage though that it's memory allocation-free once
set up.


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