Re: Dispatch of GObject virtual functions in GtkMM

On 1/10/07, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 10:27 -0600, Matt Hoosier wrote:
> > You might also try compiling glibmm and gtkmm with disabled vfuncs
> and
> > disabled default signal handlers to see if this makes much
> difference.
> >
> If it turns out that this make a difference, would I be forgoing the
> ability to do useful overriding of things like expose-event handlers?

You'd be forgoing the ability to do it easily. You'll always be able to
use the C API to do it the slightly harder way.

You'll save some code size and memory too.

I'll be interested in your results. If the vfuncs and default signal
handlers significantly slow anything down then I'd like to know why
and/or optimize the problem away.

I'm having trouble executing the problem when linked against a version
of {glib,gtk}mm with the default signal handlers removed. The call to
Container::add() appears never to return, and the backtrace is trashed
(every frame listed has '??' as its symbol name). These symptoms
appear almost identical to the ones I got with G_GNUC_NORETURN bug in
glibmm, but I don't find that annotation anywhere else in either the
glibmm or gtkmm source trees.

Any hints?

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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