Re: StatusIcon

On 2/26/07, v.kishore <kishore_bits hotmail com> wrote:
 Hi, I am new to gtkmm and would like to use a system tray icon for my
application. The example given in the gtkmm official website is not working
and giving compilation errors when compiled with "g++ -o test test.cpp
`pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --cflags --libs`. These are the errors: StatusIcon is
not a member of Gtk template argument 1 is invalid invalid type in
declaration before '=' token Gtk::StatusIcon has not been declared base
operand of -> is not a pointer Basically my need is to make a system tray
icon available for my application. Please help me in this regard. I do not
want to try eggtrayicon as it is very difficult to understand. Thanks in
 View this message in context: StatusIcon
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I believe StatusIcon was added in gtkmm 2.10, so if you don't have
version 2.10 installed, that would explain the error you're seeing.


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