Re: Code Compiles in Win32/Linux; dies in Win32 only

> It's just a small thing, but have you tried re-building your code in
> Dev-Cpp using Ctrl-F11? This will force Dev-Cpp to compile -all- files
> again.
> Dev-Cpp doesn't check if the header files have been changed, and it has
> (for me at least) lead to some strange behavior. I tend to do a clean
> build when ever I change large amounts of files, or modify any headers.
Hey, that worked.  The newb bug bites again!

I also just tried compiling from the Win32 command line, and that
worked as well.  In a few hours, I'll have some more time to play with
this to see if I run into any more problems.  It looks hopeful at the

Thanks again, Steven and Jonathon!
Eric P.

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