Re: Yet another problem with threads :<

You are making changes to the GUI directly in your thread process that
change a button widget's appearance and then changes it back one second
later w/o ever allowing the Gtk::Main::run loop to run, so naturally,
you will not see anything happen.


tboloo wrote:
> I'm trying to utilize threads in my app. Since there aren't many materials
> covering this topic this may be something trivial, but I really searched a
> lot and didn't find anything that would help me.
> This is what I've achieved so far :
> /****************  hellothread.h  **************/
> class hellothread : public Gtk::Window
> {
>     public:
>         hellothread();
>         virtual ~hellothread();
>         void on_button_clicked();
>         void thread_dilate();
>     private:
>         Gtk::Button _mButton;
>         Glib::Dispatcher m_signal_finished;
> };
> /*************  hellothread.cpp  *****************/
> hellothread::hellothread()
> : _mButton("Hello World")
> {
>     _mButton.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,
> &hellothread::on_button_clicked));
>     add(_mButton);
> }
> hellothread::~hellothread()
> {
>     //dtor
> }
> void hellothread::on_button_clicked()
> {
>     Glib::Thread * thread = Glib::Thread::create(
> sigc::mem_fun(*this,&hellothread::thread_dilate), true);
>     thread->join();
> }
> void hellothread::thread_dilate()
> {
>     _mButton.set_sensitive(false);
>     _mButton.set_label("Sleeping...");
>     std::cout << "sleeping" << std::endl;
>     sleep(1);
>     std::cout << "finished sleeping" << std::endl;
>     _mButton.set_label("Hello World");
>     _mButton.set_sensitive(true);
>     m_signal_finished.emit();
> }
> /*************** main.cpp ***************/
> int main(int argc, char* argv[])
> {
> 	Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);
>     hellothread thread_;
>     Glib::thread_init();
>     thread_.set_title( "Thread" );
>     Gtk::Main::run(thread_); //Shows the window and returns when it is
> closed.
>   return 0;
> }
> /******************************/
> App is working, but doesn't seem to use threads. The button's caption isn't
> altered and app just "hangs" for one second.
> If anyone would like to help me I'd be very grateful.
> Best regards,
> Bolek.


*Robert L. Caryl Jr.*
Fiscal Systems, Inc.
102 Commerce Circle
Madison, AL 35758-2706 USA
256-772-8922 ext. 108

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