Re: closing the window automatically

Am Samstag, den 17.02.2007, 13:03 +0530 schrieb SaiKamesh

> I don't know how to read data from serial port using gtkmm.
> I tried to find example program on the net. But I didn't find
> anything.

This has very little to do with gtkmm.  You need to figure out how to
read from a serial port on your operating system.  But I assume that in
one way or another, the solution will involve a file descriptor you can
read from.

Once you have that file descriptor, you can use functionality provided
by glibmm to integrate the I/O with the GTK+ main loop.  One way to go
would be to set the file descriptor to non-blocking mode, and then use
Glib::signal_io() to have the main loop trigger a signal whenever
there's something to read.

> can u please send me a sample program for reading datas from the
> serial port using gtkmm?.

I don't have such a sample program.


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