Re: Fixing the Gst::Message classes

José Alburquerque wrote:
Okay, I think I managed to make the changes. When I test the wrapping here I get the following output:

[02:58][jose sweety:~/Projects/Programming/gstreamermm-devel/tests]$ ./test-miniobject-wrap
C++ message instance is !NULL: 1
message is a Gst::MessageWarning: 0

Is this right?

Never mind. I now see that the test is there so that if wrapping works right, the output will change. Sorry.

Also, the ogg player stopped working so I want to test my changes a little more. At any rate, here are my changes so far, but I may need to make more.

I fixed the player by changing the call message->get_type() to message->get_message_type() in on_bus_message(). I'll now try to figure out how to get Gst::Message wrapping to work appropriately. When I'm done, I'll send a diff.


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