Re: Waiting for multiple windows

On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 20:42:49 +0100
Edd Dawson <edd mr-edd co uk> wrote:
> Currently, when I close the main window, all the pop-ups dissappear because the 
> event loop has finished. Is there any way to keep the initial call to 
> Gtk::Main::Run() from finishing until all the popups have been closed?

I'm not sure about this, but I think the trick is to override the main window's on_close event so as to minimize rather than hide. Obviously you then need to provide some other way to make it close properly. If you want that to be when the last pop-up closes you probably need to maintain some sort of counter of windows so that the last pop-up knows it's the last one and can call the method that closes the main window.


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