print ListStore's data on cout

Actually I have to save ListStore's data on file, but first of all I want to try to print it on cout. I've searched for examples but I haven't found nothing like this.

My code is:

 Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> refModel;
// ...
typedef Gtk::TreeModel::Children TreeChildren;
typedef Gtk::TreeModel::Children::const_iterator TreeConstIter;

void Foo::f() const
        const TreeChildren children = refModel->children();

        if(children.empty()) {
                std::cout << "empty\n";

        for(TreeConstIter i=children.begin(); i!=children.end(); i++) {
                const TreeChildren row = (*i)->children();

for(TreeConstIter j=row.begin(); j!=row.end(); j++)
                        std::cout << *j << '\n';

f() prints nothing..



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