Re: Wrapping a custom widget

On 4/6/07, Robert Pearce <rob bdt-home demon co uk> wrote:
On Fri, 6 Apr 2007, Jonathon Jongsma <jonathon jongsma gmail com> wrote
>There is a section in the gtkmm tutorial about wrapping C libraries
>using gmmproc:
>Does that help?

Hmmm... Yes, probably. I'll check it out further. From a quick check it
looks a bit complex, and seems to assume the widgets are in a shared
library (which I probably ought to do in the spirit of open source and
sharing and all that, but haven't done yet because I don't need to).
Rob Pearce             

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You could probably wrap your widgets by hand fairly easily.  I'd
recommend looking at the translated source for gtkmm or any other of
the wrapped libaries for examples of how it 'normally' gets handled.


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