Re: MVC Drawing

> Hey,
> A while back I saw a post about a newer MVC style drawing library.
> Someone
> had actually used it to start a database visualization thing.  Thing is I
> can't for the life of me remember what it was called.  And everything on
> google is either comming up unrelated or pointing me at cairomm which
> isn't
> what I'm wanting.
> Anyway, if anyone has any idea what I'm talking about, I'd be much
> appreciated if you could spark my memory.

It's probably not the same thing, but the maintainer of GooCanvas posted
some status emails recently and mentioned that it has a model/view
concept. There is also talk of adding higher level concepts (or default
functionality) such as object associations, state, linking, etc, I think:

I hope someone starts a goocanvasmm, maybe using this helpful gmmproc

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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