Re: How to fully expand a widget within a window?

On 9/15/06, Samvel <ksamvel gmail com> wrote:
On Fri, 15 Sep 2006 01:46:43 -0500, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>

>> However you add widgets to show they are properly and nicely packed in a
>> window. But they are not affected as soon as you start resizing Window.
>> The
>> only remedy I've found is to connect method to signal_check_resize() of
>> the
>> main window:
> Widgets should automatically expand to fill available space, when you
> have
> specified that. You should, for instance, investigate the
> Gtk::Box::pack()
> parameters.

I do not agree. Gtk::Box::pack() parameters work only for initial packing.
Once you change window size nothing happens to widgets. They are left in
exactly the same layout. In order to solve this resize_children() should
be called while or after resizing.

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.  My widgets always
resize with the window if I pack them with the right options, and I've
never called resize_children() in my life.  Maybe you could post a
stripped down example to show when this happens for you.


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