Re: dia canvas

I wanted to ask if gtkmm wrap the libdianewcanvas (which seems to be gtk-related) or the libgnomecanvasmm ?

The name of the class Gnome::Canvas gave me the answer I think, but I still wanted to ask.
It seems from what I read from the web that dia canvas is more high level (undo/redo for example), but maybe those functionnality are maybe implemented in the gnome canvas ? Where can I find more doc/tutorial about the wrapped canvas ?

I'm not sure I understand gnomecanvas purpose correctly, but it seems to be a 2d scene graph.
diacanvas2 - offers handles, wysiwyg transformations, undo/redo and dependencies on top of GnomeCanvas.
diacanvas2 has no *mm version (only C or python).

Other similar projects:
Diacanvas is obsoleted by Diacanvas2 (same authors)
Papyrus is a young library, under development now, plans to do all the diacanvas2 offers and maybe more. I like many of design decisions - like using boost & c++, but unfortunately the project lacks features, documentation and tutorials to be considered as a diacanvas alternative.
newdiacanvas - seems to be a dead project (abandoned approx in 2003)
there was a diacanvasmm project at sourceforge, started approx in 2002 and deleted in 2005. its author was seen here recently :)

Please correct me if something is wrong in these descriptions.
Links to other similar libraries are highly appreciated too.

As for implementing additional functionality on top of gnomecanvas - it is certainly possible.
but probably creating a diacanvas2 wrapper will be easier than implementing required features.
Wrapper code seems to be straight-forward, I currently think about making a code generator for it.
If anyone is willing to help - you know how to seek me via e-mail :)

WBR, Pavlo Korzhyk

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