Re: Is there a documentation/reference about wrapping C APIs?

On Fri, 2006-11-10 at 21:31 +0100, Philipp Kerling wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a *good* documentation/reference about wrapping C APIs with
> glibmm/gmmproc? I�ve only found
>, which
> is partially outdated

It's very new documentation, so I doubt that.

>  and (as I think) misses quite a lot of
> descriptions. So for example I would like to know how to:
> - wrap vfuncs (or should I simply not wrap them?)
> - wrap a object that derives from GInitiallyUnowned
> - wrap custom constructors with custom parameters (e.g.
> cc_view_widget_new_root and not cc_view_widget_new)
> - wrap interfaces and objects that are based on interfaces
> - implement GObjects that inherit two interfaces without using C++
> multiple inheritance (or should I use that?)
> It�d be pretty useful if this information could be added to
> because it�s really difficult to guess these things from the gtkmm
> etc. sources.

Could you please add this to this bug:

Sooner or later I'll get around to adding the stuff that's mentioned in
that bug, if nobody else does.

In the meantime, it's best to look at the .hg and .ccg files of gtkmm
for stuff that is not already in that appendix.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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