Re: Gtk::Window::move() does not move

Oh I found something...
obviously it still works. But the behaviour of Gtk::Window::set_geometry_hints() has changed. The following code used to work, window was still movable. Now the same code prevents moving my Window by dragging with the mouse - oops!? I'll comment this out, since everything works file now without this.

Gineal::setThisGeometry ()
  Gdk::Geometry geo;
  geo.base_width  = Scale::SCALE_LENGTH + (2 * Scale::SCALE_WIDTH);
  geo.base_height = Scale::SCALE_LENGTH + (2 * Scale::SCALE_WIDTH);
  geo.min_width   = geo.base_width;
  geo.max_width   = geo.base_width;
  geo.min_height  = geo.base_height;
  geo.max_height  = geo.base_height;
  geo.width_inc   = 0;                            // No resizesing.
  geo.height_inc  = 0;

  this->set_geometry_hints ( *this,            // Widget& geometry_widget,
                               geo,            // const Gdk::Geometry& geometry,
                               Gdk::HINT_POS   // Gdk::WindowHints geom_mask
                               | Gdk::HINT_MIN_SIZE
                               | Gdk::HINT_MAX_SIZE
                               | Gdk::HINT_BASE_SIZE
                               | Gdk::HINT_ASPECT
                               | Gdk::HINT_RESIZE_INC
                               | Gdk::HINT_WIN_GRAVITY

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