Re: Find out if a widget or window is actually visible?


I'd recommend considering adopting a multithreaded design to accomplish this.

On 11/1/06, Toralf Lund <toralf procaptura com> wrote:
Paul Davis wrote:
> Toralf,
> Looking through the thread, I didn't see a mention about the expose
> event.  This event will get called when a window is un-obscured.
> Although, I don't know if you can actually *ask* for this information
> at any random point in time.
I should perhaps have made this a bit clearer: It's the bit about asking
for information that I'm interested in. I'm wondering if I can somehow
get the visibility state (meaning the info normally sent as parameter to
the event handler) in cases where it is for some reason not convenient
to use the expose event. Or to be more precise, in the case I have in
mind right now, I want to be able to check for visibility during the
execution of a "processing task", i.e. before I return to the Gtk main
loop. I cannot rely on expose events for this, since these won't be
delivered until I return to the main loop, as far as I know - unless I
call Gdk::Window::process_updates(), but part of the idea is to avoid
using that call.
> Paul
> On 10/30/06, *Toralf Lund* <toralf procaptura com
> <mailto:toralf procaptura com>> wrote:
>     Chris Vine wrote:
>     > On Wednesday 25 October 2006 10:21, Toralf Lund wrote:
>     >
>     >> Does Gtkmm/Gdkmm offer a nice and simple way to find out if a
>     widget or
>     >> window is actually visible to the user, i.e. is mapped *and not
>     obscured
>     >> by another window*?

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