Re: Use of any interface designer - is it worthy?

> I do this sort of stuff in Glade.  Its great for trying lots of
> different arrangements and getting paddings and margins down.  I just
> don't use the generated XML interface.
> Its not the spacing and coding things that gets me with interfaces.  I
> have pretty good command over layouts and do fairly well with making it
> look like what I want. I just don't have the interface design talent.

These things improve gradually.

On of the advantages of libglade is that somebody else can rearrange your
widgets for you, often requiring no code changes.

> but I found that keeping external
> dependancies for my binaries to be a bit of an annoyance.

I find it's worth the extra work on the build/installer. But someone on
this list has a script to make headers out of the XML files, so you can
use a static string instead of loading a file.

>  And in all
> reality, after you go through all the code to get widgets out of the xml
> file and connect signals, you might as well code your own.

Not quite. And you lose the flexibility to improve the UI.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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