Re: Gtk::Menu No submenus.

On Thu, May 11, 2006 at 08:58:33AM -0500, Jonathon Jongsma wrote:
> On 5/11/06, Mohammed Sameer <msameer foolab org> wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >I'm still a gtkmm newbie.
> >
> >I'm subclassing Gtk::Window and creating a menubar in the
> >constructor "see the attached code please".
> >
> >The menubar is created but it has no sub menus,
> >Did I hit a bug ? Or am I doing something wrong ?
> >
> >Attached a code sample:
> >g++ -o m `pkg-config gtkmm-2.4 --cflags --libs`
> >
> I haven't looked at your example code closely yet, but I would highly
> recommend that you look into using UIManager instead of building the
> menus manually.  UIManager offers a lot of advantages, including
> easily defining a menu structure as an XML tree.  In addition, it
> allows you to define menu items in terms of "Actions".  You can then
> assign the same action to a toolbar button so that the Open item in
> your menu and the Open button on your toolbar will do exactly the same
> thing.  Because of this, you can then enable / disable these two
> things together, and other things.  I've found it to be very easy to
> use.  See this section in the tutorial for information:

I know about the UIManager but I'm porting from C/Gtk to C++/Gtkmm.
I really don't want to change the way I build the UI as I want it to
run on older gtkmm versions as well.

There's also the "hacker" attitude, You can't hit a problem and simply switch
to another approach before understanding what's going on ;-)

Many thanks for your reply.

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