Re: TextView scrolling/cursor problems

For archival purposes followes a working autoscrolling output method 
whose scrolling is not dependent on the current cursor position. 
Seasoned gtkmm users certainly know about this or even better methods 
but for newbies like me it was not easy to figure out how to do this, 
even though one might think having an autoscrolling TextView should be 
a trivial thing to implement.

Sorry for the formatting.

void windowMain::print_output(Gtk::TextView* textview, std::string text)
	// A mark thingy
	Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TextBuffer::Mark> cur_mark;
	cur_mark = 
	// Insert passed text into buffer of passed TextView 

	// Move the mark to the end of the buffer

	// Scroll there
	textview->scroll_to(cur_mark, 0.0);

Andreas "daff" Ntaflos 
daff AT dword DOT org
Vienna, Austria 

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