Re: Convenience utility for Glade users

On 6/30/06, Mohammed Sameer <msameer foolab org> wrote:
On Fri, Jun 30, 2006 at 02:05:12PM -0500, Bob Caryl wrote:
> Hello all,
> and because I have a phobia about my executables being
> dependent on "load files"

I always thought taht keeping such files "outside" the binary is better.

I'm not trying to say that my approach is better than your approach. I'm just trying
to understand the reasons behind your point of view of possible!

It depends on your definition of 'better' :)  Having it outside of the
executable is better in the sense that you can just update a text file
to change the UI and not have to recompile the binary.  But having it
compiled into the executable is better in the sense that it will never
fail to find the UI definition because of a permission problem or disk
read error, or something like that.  So you just have to choose which
one you value more.


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