Re: Signals in threads

Hmm, I know I replied to this last night, perhaps I forgot to do reply all. Bob basically said what I did as well, however...

Bob Caryl wrote:

In my case, I had also declared in my GUI class a std::vector<Glib::ustring> object to which my worker thread pushed back string data that I wanted to add to a Gtk::TextBuffer displayed in a Gtk::TextView in my GUI class. My callback slot would pop the Glib::ustrings off this vector one at a time and add them to the Gtk::TextBuffer whenever it was called by the dispatcher. Therefore, my worker thread would push back strings to this vector object just prior to calling the dispatcher.
Your std::vector method does not sound very thread-safe.. there can be interleaving issues if your worker thread were to push a string on as your consumer thread were to pop strings off. Two solutions to this: use a mutex around accesses to your vector (gtkmm has a nice auto-destructing one), or use something which is already thread-safe like g_async_queue (or w/e that name is, i can't seem to remember it).

Sorry for forgetting to cc the list earlier, Mike.

Dave Foster <daf minuslab net>

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