Gtkmm-forge Digest, Vol 1, Issue 1144

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gtkmm-forge is the mailing list that receives gtkmm bug reports from bugzilla.  A daily digest is sent to gtkmm-main, to encourage people to help fixing the bugs. Do not try to unsubscribe gtkmm-forge from gtkmm-list.

Today's Topics:

   1. [Bug 343741] Gdk::Window missing	'create_cairo_context' in
      "drawingarea/simple" tutorial example code
      (gtkmm (
   2. [Bug 143007] popup menu: keyboard accelerator does	not work
      while menu is visible (gtk+ (


Message: 1
Date: Sun,  4 Jun 2006 18:58:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: "gtkmm ("
	<bugzilla-daemon bugzilla gnome org>
Subject: [gtkmm bugzilla] [Bug 343741] Gdk::Window missing
	'create_cairo_context' in "drawingarea/simple" tutorial example code
To: gtkmm-forge lists sourceforge net
Message-ID: <20060604225818 023C76CC11F window gnome org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Do not reply to this via email (we are currently unable to handle email
responses and they get discarded).  You can add comments to this bug at
 gtkmm | general | Ver: 2.6.x

------- Comment #4 from Bryan Raney  2006-06-04 22:58 UTC -------
(In reply to comment #3)
> > Would it make sense for me to submit a bug report about the documentation being
> > less-than-clear?
> Well, I'm trying to think of a good way to do this.  In fact the drawing area
> chapter in the tutorial already has this note:
> ---
> Note
> Before gtkmm version 2.10, drawing was mostly done with Graphics Contexts
> (Gdk::GC) and other GDK drawing functions, but this has been largely superceded
> by the Cairo graphics library and its C++ binding Cairomm. See the Gdk Appendix
> for a description of the deprecated GDK techniques. In general, the Cairo
> drawing API is simpler than the GDK one, and it is generally recommended to use
> the Cairo drawing methods wherever possible in preference to the older GDK
> drawing methods. 
> ---
> Do you think something more obvious is needed?  

Well, I was confused by that Note (and probably therefore initially ignored
it), because I thought I was looking at the documentation for the gtkmm
library, version 2.4, not 2.10.  After all, the URL always has
.../gtkmm-2.4/... in it.  I didn't see what version 2.10 had to do with

After messing around with gtkmm and the website for a while, I think I finally
understand that two different version numbers are involved: the API version,
and the library version.  The distinction was not initially clear to this
newbie, however.  (I'm not a programming newbie, but more of a newbie to open
source programming libraries, and definitely to GTK, gtkmm, etc.)

While it does say "This documentation is for the gtkmm 2.4 and gnomemm 2.6
APIs." at the top of, perhaps it
should *also* say something like:

"This means any version of the gtkmm library 2.4 through 2.10."  (or whatever
version numbers)

Or maybe:

"If you are using a version of the gtkmm library below 2.10, these docs may not
apply to you."

Whichever is the case.

Also, in the tutorial, perhaps another disclaimer like:

"Some chapters of the tutorial may apply to all versions of the gtkmm library,
from 2.4 through 2.10, while some may apply only to newer versions of the
library.  Please also see the tutorial accompanying your version of the gtkmm
library for information more specific to you."

And perhaps each chapter or section could indicate specifically which library
versions should work with it.  At least this would give more of a heads-up to
newbies (who I would expect to be looking at the tutorial) that what they are
looking at may not apply to their situation.

As for that note in Chapter 15, I notice that the appendix it refers to appears
to be missing a lot of information about GDK that is in Chapter 14 of the
tutorial I have installed locally (somewhat analogous to Chapter 15 of the
online tutorial).  Why not keep those extra sections in that appendix for
people with older versions of the gtkmm library?

I hope this helps in some small way.

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Message: 2
Date: Mon,  5 Jun 2006 13:47:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: "gtk+ (" <bugzilla-daemon bugzilla gnome org>
Subject: [gtkmm bugzilla] [Bug 143007] popup menu: keyboard
	accelerator does	not work while menu is visible
To: gtkmm-forge lists sourceforge net
Message-ID: <20060605174720 B85246CC0B3 window gnome org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Do not reply to this via email (we are currently unable to handle email
responses and they get discarded).  You can add comments to this bug at
 gtk+ | uimanager/actions | Ver: 2.6.x

------- Comment #5 from Hans Breuer  2006-06-05 17:47 UTC -------
Given that The GIMP people have written a bunch of code to have the
accelerators back in their "context menus" - and given that Dia now also uses
GtkUIManager and
thus has to either lack the accelerators or cut and paste a lof of code to
resurrect them:
Could there please be some function in Gtk to reenable the accelerators in 
nested "context menus"? They may be bad from the HIG's point of view, but
IMO the toolkit should not enforce the HIG - just make it possible and
convenient to follow. And to violate it where appropriate.

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