Fwd: Re: Boxes in a frame

I think you must use show_all_children() method to display widgets

On Fri, 06 Jan 2006 16:35:49 +0200, Jonathon Jongsma
<jonathon jongsma gmail com> wrote:

> Specifically, I think what you probably want to do is add() a VBox to
> the frame and then use pack_start() to add the three HBoxes to the
> VBox (assuming you want the HBoxes to be on top of each other and not
> next to eachother.
> Jonner
> On 1/6/06, B.Hakvoort <bart hakvoort be> wrote:
>> well, just add() a box to the frame and then pack anything you want
>> (other boxes e.g.) in that box.
>> cheers,
>> plors

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