Re: reg display of windows in an App

Thanks Michael and Bob Caryl. Looks like I am using 2.8.8. So, I guess I
can't use it for now (unless I update to 2.10). 

BTW, I fixed my problem. I am not using Gtk::Assistant (since I don't
have gtkmm2.10). The mistake I was making was:

I was trying to show the next window without hiding the first window. So
the second window was hiding behind the first. Ooops!!! So, now, In the
callback method associated with the button, I hide the first window and
then instantiate the second window and show the second one.

For anyone out there who needs more info, this is what i did:

//In the callback method of the button in the first window
DataForm* dataform = new DataForm;
Gtk::Main::run(*dataform); //I didn't use this one earlier either

Thanks for all your inputs...

On Tue, 2006-12-19 at 13:08 -0600, Michael Ekstrand wrote:
> On Dec 19, 2006, at 11:24 AM, SIRISHA MUPPAVARAPU wrote:
> > 2) Secondly, it says "Since gtkmm 2.10:". I am using libgtkmm-2.4dev.
> > Does this mean I can't use this class/API?
> The 2.4 there refers to the API version, not the gtkmm version  
> proper.  GTKmm 2.10 uses the 2.4 API.  So if you have libgtkmm-2.4dev  
> version 2.10, then you can use it; if you have version 2.4, 2.6, or  
> 2.8 you can't.  To find out which version you have, run:
> pkg-config --modversion gtkmm-2.4
> HTH,
> - Michael

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