Re: Problems With a SDI Implementation

I have written a minimal SDI app which you can find at:

Compile it with:
~$ gcc sdi-example.cpp -o sdi-example `pkg-config --libs --cflags gtkmm-2.4`

If you create a new image with File New, and close Image #1, you'll see
that Gtk spits out a bunch of errors. From what I can see, the ref
counting *should* be right, but I might just look through it.

I didn't analyze your source very careful, but I think I got what you
try to implement.
The easiest solution is to let ApplicationGuiManager handle your close requests.
The constructor of ImageWindow will connect a proper method of the
_Manager_ to the
proper signal.
If you need to do some processing inside ImageWindow, you could
implement something
  bool ImageWindow::mayICloseYou()
to ask about saving changes etc.
I think that changing your design will be easier than trying to make
gtkmm fit existing decisions.

WBR, Pavlo Korzhyk

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