Re: Update progress bar without returning to main loop?

Murray Cumming wrote:

Should there perhaps also be an example illustrating the approach I
eventually took to resolve my problem (see my other posts...)

It's really just a matter of replacing




in the example, I believe.

I'm sceptical that this can really work well enough, but I would have to
do some research/experiments to find out, if I found time.
It works!

I believe this is the right and proper way of forcing queued redraw requests to be handled out immediately, which is something the toolkit generally can and should allow. I mean, how to do this was quite hard to find in the API documentation, but that does not mean it's an undocumented feature; it's actually there if you know where to look. From the Gtk::Widget doc,

int Gtk::Widget::send_expose 	( 	GdkEvent*  	/event/ 	 )  	


Very rarely-used function.

This function is used to emit an expose event signals on a widget. This function is not normally used directly. The only time it is used is when propagating an expose event to a child NO_WINDOW widget, and that is normally done using Gtk::Container::propagate_expose() <>.

If you want to force an area of a window to be redrawn, use gdk_window_invalidate_rect() or gdk_window_invalidate_region(). To cause the redraw to be done immediately, follow that call with a call to gdk_window_process_updates().

I'm more sceptical to docs that suggesti to users that you have to use event loop constructs and/or threads in order to do something as simple as this. Not that there is anything wrong with Bob's example as such, it's just that it shows the way to program *if you want to respond to user input while the job progresses*. It you don't, then I daresay running an event loop is overly complex and/or simply wrong.

- T

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