RE: Update progress bar without returning to main loop?

> I'm more sceptical to docs that suggesti to users that you 
> have to use 
> event loop constructs and/or threads in order to do something 
> as simple 
> as this. Not that there is anything wrong with Bob's example as such, 
> it's just that it shows the way to program *if you want to respond to 
> user input while the job progresses*. It you don't, then I daresay 
> running an event loop is overly complex and/or simply wrong.

Are we saying then, that you do ...

    Gtk::Main::instance()->iteration();			// if you want to
allow user interaction and redraw

  gdk_window()->process_updates(false);			// if you want to
allow redraw

If that is the case, a small update to the example I made could be used to
illustrate the point.


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