Re: gdlmm

On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 03:23 +0200, Erwin Rol wrote:
> OK i found the way to generate the signals.defs, with a changed version
> of the libgda tools/extra_defs_gen. The methods with the Pygtk
> , now only the seems to be missing, where can i find
> that ?

It is in glibmm/tools. Please patch the gmmproc documentation if that is
not already mentioned. I also often mention how I regenerate the .defs,
in the ChangeLog.

> And isn't there a real howto ? cause the documentation is
> glibmm/docs/internal is not really a step by step explanation on how to
> wrap a C api for C++. For example the info about the .defs files is
> rather limited. 

Please do feel free to improve this as you learn it.

> But things are going in the right direction :-)

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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