Re: gdlmm

On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 00:32 +0200, Erwin Rol wrote:
> Hey all,
> I found the gmmproc and co. stuff, but still am not entirely sure what
> files are auto generated and what files should be hand written. And
> before i start to hand write a bunch of files that can be auto generated
> i thought to ask first.
> I took libgdamm as a base, i rebuild most of it so it is gdlmm, there
> are .../gdlmm/src/ with *.hg and *.ccg files and a ..../gdlmm/gdlmm/
> with *.h and *.cc these files seem to be the ones generated with
> gmmproc, but i am not sure about those *.hg and *.ccg files, should i
> hand write those ?


>  And what about the *.def files, I have used
> to generate a .defs file from the includes of gdl, but it seems all
> signal handlers are missing, is this know and should i just hand edit
> the .defs file, or am i doing something wrong ?

Use an extra_defs_gen in tools for that.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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