signals on mingw


I use mingw compiler on a win32-XP OS and gtkmm-2.6.
I can´t get the custom signal example (examples/book/signals/custom/) to work correctly.

The main function is :
int main(int, char**)
  Server server;
  Client client;

  //Connect a Server signal to the signal handler in Client.
server.signal_something().connect( sigc::mem_fun(client, &Client::on_server_something) );

  std::cout << "Before Server::do_something()" << std::endl;

//Tell the server to do something that will eventually cause it to emit the "something" signal. server.do_something(); //Client::on_server_something() will run before Server::do_something() has completed.

  std::cout << "After Server::do_something()" << std::endl;

  return 0;

Server::do_something() calls the 'emit' method on the Server::signal.

The problem is, the 'on_server_something' method doesn't seems to be called. That method should display a message on stdout.

What's wrong with this example ? Did I forget something ?

Thanks in advance for any Help.

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