Re: Using (or not using) sigc::mem_fun with the G_CALLBACK macro

Paul Davis wrote:

what are you thinking? this has nothing to do with threads. it doesn't
even have a *lot* to do with language, except for the fact that you
can't use a non-static C++ member function as a C callback.

Evidently I have failed to make clear the circumstances surrounding this situation.

The callback function involved is one that opens a resource file (like an image source) to load its content into a GtkHTML widget when that widget issues a "url-requested" signal. This widget would have been embedded into a scrolled_window container within a Gtk::Window. The callback function for the "url-requested" would need to have access to information within the derived Gtk::Window class itself to be able to do its job.

I had originally intended to write my help display routine as part of a dynamic library intended for use by my applications. If I use a global function in this setting it would be entirely possible that multiple applications and/or threads in the same application could try to call such a global function simultaneously (or nearly simultaneously), thereby giving indeterminate results.

*That* is what I was thinking, Paul. If my concerns in this regard are misplaced I would hope you guys would point out *why*.

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