Re: TreeView made with a directory list

cyril ponsan wrote:
thanks a lot matthias,

but i had hoped to do this using stl classes and functions.
i have installed Boost - filesystem library but dont know how to set anjuta to compile a project using boost... im pretty new in this world.

Standard C++ does not specify any mechanics to interact with the filesystem (probably because that would be highly platform dependent), so this won't bring you any further. You have to rely on third party libraries sooner or later.

Using boost libraries is actually quite simple. You link the libraries to your project like you would any other (large parts of boost don't even have to be linked because they are based around templates which are defined in header files, but boost::filesystem comes in a separate lib). Consult the Anjuta documentation how to link libraries; most probably you do that in your project settings.

Questions related to setting up and using boost libraries should go to gmane.comp.lib.boost.user though or directly to the mailing list.

Matthias Kaeppler

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