Re: gtkmm capabilities

>It could, but the LGPL doesn't. To cite again from section 6 of the LGPL:
>"...and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided that 
>the terms permit modification of the work for the customer's own use and 
>reverse engineering for debugging such modifications."
>It is important to note here that 'the work' is the whole application, 
>as it is delivered to the customer, eg in the Windows world the .exe 
>file, with the library statically linked in. So to use the LGPL library, 

many windows applications use dynamic/runtime linkage to .dll's, and
you can do this with an LGPL library without any consequences to your
own code.

i agree that the LGPL is not as clear about this as it could be, but
the intent is absolutely clear: you can use the library, you can
modify the library, but you must make whatever version of the library
you linked with available so that the user could relink against their
own, suitably modified version.


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