Re: Connecting idle-signal aborts my program

I've tried this out. I switched to using the -mno-cygwin (which makes gcc use other includes/libs, so that the output is not dependent on any additional runtime libraries).

Using this version, with the same sample program, seems to be even worse: This makes my program hang up (meaning that it doesn't exit, I can't Ctrl+C it and it consumes all CPU time. According to GDB this happens in the line where the Gtk::Window is declared (instantiated).

I hope it doesn't matter whether I use Cygwin GCC -mno-cygwin or MinGW. Does anyone know this for sure? My GCC is 3.4.4.


> That reminds me -- You mentioned that you were using gcc from cygwin. 
> I recall reading somewhere that gtkmm can't be used with the gcc
> provided by cygwin, instead you have to install gcc from mingw (i
> believe the mingw version is a native windows compiler and the one
> from cygwin uses a compatibility layer?).  That may be something to
> look into.  Maybe somebody with more experience on windows can offer
> more information
> Jonathon
> On 12/28/05, Igor Gorbounov <igorbounov topazelectro ru> wrote:
> > Daniel Kraft wrote:
> >
> > I've recently experienced strange fatal problems with Glib::Markup stuff
> > under win32 (using Dev-Cpp and mingw32 3.3.1).
> > After I've upgraded mingw up to 3.4.2 everything works fine.
> >     Igor Gorbounov

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