Re: Example in 2.4 docs does not build - no cairomm include files

Thanks.  I was looking for examples for using the released gtkmm2.4 and was confused by the mention of those examples requiring the updated library from cvs. 


On 12/27/05, Jonathon Jongsma <jonathon jongsma gmail com> wrote:
I believe the 2.4 in libgtkmm2.4 indicates the API compatibility
version.  So all versions from 2.4 onward should be API compatible
(although new API has been added since 2.4, none has been removed, I
assume).  I believe that's why linux distributions ship a package
called libgtkmm2.4, even though actual version of gtkmm that will be
installed when you select this package is something like 2.8.x.   So
the new (CVS) version of gtkmm is still in the 2.4 series even though
it is not literally revision 2.4.  At least that's my best guess at
explaining it -- somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
Did that answer your question at all?

On 12/27/05, Sean Kelley < sean sweng gmail com> wrote:
> So why are these examples put under libgtkmm2.4 if they are in cvs?  Just
> curious.
>  Thanks,
>  Sean
> On 12/27/05, Jonathon Jongsma < jonathon jongsma gmail com> wrote:
> >
> > The examples for the Cairo functionality are actually not available in
> > a released version of gtkmm yet.  This functionality is only available
> > in cvs, so it won't work with the version of gtkmm that you have
> > installed.
> > If you're simply trying to learn gtkmm, I'd recommend that you install
> > the libgtkmm2.4-doc package and follow the documentation from there
> > (i.e. /usr/share/doc/libgtkmm-2.4-doc/index.html).  Then you're
> > guaranteed that the docs will be synchronized with the gtkmm version
> > that you have installed.  There's an older drawing API that is used in
> > existing versions of gtkmm, so you'll still be able to draw with your
> > version of gtkmm, you just won't be able to use the new Cairo API.
> >
> > If you're really interested in trying the Cairo functionality, there
> > are a couple of options.  The first is to build gtkmm and cairomm from
> > CVS (probably using jhbuild -- but note that you'll need the HEAD
> > branch for the Cairo functionality, not the branch currently specified
> > in the jhbuild modules file).
> > The second option is to install cairomm but keep your existing gtkmm
> > installation.  This would require you to use the underlying GDK
> > function gdk_cairo_create(GdkDrawable *drawable) instead of
> > Gdk::Window::create_cairo_context() and then wrap the
> resulting
> > cairo_t* value using the Cairo::Context(cairo_t* cobject, bool
> > has_reference) constructor.
> > The third option is to not install anything and just use the straight
> > C cairo interface.

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