Re: Gtk::TreeView::set_cursor problem

Thanks Marco!


Marco wrote:

> On Fri, 23 Dec 2005 10:44:04 -0600, Bob Caryl <bob fis-cal com> wrote:
>> Hey Everyone,
>> I have a situation where I have a TreeView displaying a TreeStore using
>> two columns.  Both columns are using Gtk::CellRendererText renderers.
>> Both renderer's have their "editable" properties set to TRUE.  If a row
>> is selected without double-clicking on a particular column (to begin
>> editing) and I just start typing, a *separate* small window opens at the
>> *bottom* border of the treeview (half on and half off the treeview) and
>> the text I'm typing begins appearing there.  The other weird thing is
>> that if I stop typing for about three seconds, the separate window
>> disappears.  The text typed into this phantom cell does not appear in
>> either column of the selected row.
>> During this entire process, I get *no* assertions of any kind in the
>> user console window.
>> Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon?
>> Bob
> That's a search popup and it can be disabled with
> set_enable_search(false);
> -- 
> Marco

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