Re: [gtkmm] Gtk::Container::remove and a question

Ok, ok, thank you very much for your answers :)

Note that I only "fixed" Gtk::remove() in gtkmm 2.4. Previously, you needed to call reference() to work around the bug. You seem to have started to think of the bug as a feature.

Haha, sorry for that, but it's ok now you've explained this to me.
I was thinking differently and as I'm beginning with gtkmm I was asking
myself a lot of newbie questions ;)

My other question is more a c++ related question but I can't figure
it out ...

In fact, the example of custom container found in the gtkmm
tutorial (
 doesn't compile on my box. It fails with this :

/usr/include/gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm/widget.h: In member function « virtual
void MyContainer::set_child_widgets(Gtk::Widget&, Gtk::Widget&) »: /usr/include/gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm/widget.h:2434: error: `void Gtk::Widget::set_parent(Gtk::Widget&)' is protected error: within this context


1. This is a very new example. I uploaded it a week or so ago.
2. You are looking at the gtkmm 2.5 version, though that's not clear. Look at the example source in your gtkmm 2.4 tarball [1] for a version
with workarounds for gtkmm 2.4.

Note that most people never need to write a custom container from
scratch. It's almost always enough to derive from an existing

[1] Or here, if I haven't released that yet:

Murray Cumming murrayc murrayc com

Ok, thanks for the code, that's what I'm doing as I know Gtk+. I was
just worried not to be able to use gtkmm only :)

If you want to have a look at our project, here are a few links :
- the homepage (french only for the moment sorry :))
- and the gna! webpage with the cvs stuff ...

In fact the original project was written with c++ but was using gtk+.
That was a bit dirty with the callbacks, so we decided to rework it to
use gtkmm (and sigc++) ... and it's actually work in progress.

The custom container was needed because we had troubles with gtkglext
and the gtk_widget_reparent function. We needed a widget like a
Gtk::Paned but allowing us to add more than 2 widgets. I don't know if that's always true, but even if it's not needed, that's a good training to gtkmm.

The links on the homepage are the old version (the one using gtk+).
The gna! cvs contains the latest gtkmm version but nothing can be done with it, we started a week ago to port it to gtkmm.

Thank you and thanks for your work too.

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