Re: Signals & Slots

On Friday 19 November 2004 09:38, Foster, Gareth wrote:
> I think if you just follow through the different typical tasks you might
> undertake with the two libraries as Murray wrote:
> "
> 1. Create a signal
> 2. Connect a slot (callback function) to a signal.
>   2.2 For a member method.
>   2.3 For a non-member or static function.
> 3. Disconnect a slot.
> 4. Bind an extra parameter, so that e.g. a slot with 4 parameters can be
> used with a signal with 3 parameters. I don't personally find the more
> complex adaptors interesting.
> "
> Then write up a document where, in each case, the code needed for both
> libraries is given, and then I small discusion about any differences or
> similarities. Perhaps in each case, giving some approximate figure to
> indicate the similarity would be useful.
> Presumably, this could then end up in the appendix of, or being referenced
> by, a proposal for a standard signals/slots interface. I don't know what is
> involved to be honest.
> I suppose, it needn't be just the one person doing the comparison, there
> are four tasks in the list (and maybe a few more besides), so four people
> could spread the work load, and maybe a 5th could add final conclusions and
> draw together the others notes.

The attached file covers most of the things you can do with boost signals.  It 
is fairly flexible.  (This is tested with boost 1.30).


#include <boost/signal.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/ref.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

// a plain function with argument
void sig_handler_func(const char* msg) {
  std::cout << "sig_handler called with message: " << msg << std::endl;

// a plain void function
void sig_handler_func_void(void) {
  std::cout << "sig_handler called" << std::endl;

// a functor with argument
struct Sig_handler {
  typedef void result_type;
  void operator()(const char* msg) const {sig_handler_func(msg);}

// a functor without argument
struct Sig_handler_void {
  void operator()(void) const {sig_handler_func_void();}

// a class with methods
struct Sig_class {
  void handler(const char* msg) const {sig_handler_func(msg);}
  void handler_void(void) const {sig_handler_func_void();}

int main(void) {

  // define some signals
  boost::signal<void(const char*)> sig;
  boost::signal<void(void)> voidsig;

  // boost::function objects
  boost::function<void(const char*)> f1;
  boost::function<void(void)> f2;
  f1 = sig_handler_func;
  f2 = sig_handler_func_void;

  // an object with methods
  Sig_class sig_class;
  // a boost::shared_ptr
  boost::shared_ptr<Sig_class> sig_class_sp(new Sig_class);

  //connect to signal passing one argument
  sig.connect(boost::function<void(const char*)>(sig_handler_func));
  sig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler, Sig_class(), _1));
  sig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler, sig_class, _1));
  sig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler, &sig_class, _1));
  sig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler, boost::ref(sig_class), _1));
  sig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler, sig_class_sp, _1));

  // connect bound functions to voidsig
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(Sig_handler(), "bound hello"));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(sig_handler_func, "bound hello"));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(f1, "bound hello"));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(std::ptr_fun(sig_handler_func), "bound hello"));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(boost::function<void(const char*)>(sig_handler_func), "bound hello"));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler, Sig_class(), "bound hello"));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler, sig_class, "bound hello"));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler, &sig_class, "bound hello"));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler, boost::ref(sig_class), "bound hello"));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler, sig_class_sp, "bound hello"));

  // connect void functions to voidsig
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler_void, Sig_class()));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler_void, sig_class));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler_void, &sig_class));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler_void, boost::ref(sig_class)));
  voidsig.connect(boost::bind(&Sig_class::handler_void, sig_class_sp));

  // now emit the signals

  return 0;

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