Re: [gtkmm] What is your response for this?

On Fri, 2004-06-04 at 17:37, Matthew Walton wrote:
> Akbar wrote:
> > Hey......
> > I found this.....
> >
> > 
> > What is your response for this? Just curious, u know....
> I believe this has been discussed before, at some length, as it's quite 
> an old article. Try looking in the list archives.
> Suffice it to say that, as I see it, it all comes down to a difference 
> in personal preference: strong typing vs. loose typing, whether you like 
> the STL approach to data structure design or not, ideology, licensing 
> requirements, what tools you like to work with, what kind of support you 
> like to have available and so forth. Neither Qt nor gtkmm is 'better' in 
> an overall sense, because you'll always find people who prefer one over 
> the other for any number of reasons.
> And so, in conclusion, I've felt for some time now that it's a fairly 
> pointless argument to even start having.
Hey, thank you. I only need this "kind" of reply by someone who has
experience. I am newbie. I am lack of experience. I cann't make reply
like this. This thread is over. Bye bye. I want to forward your reply to
someone else than in another mailing-list that post that link. You know
something like.... another gtkmm vs qt flame war thread.


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