Re: [gtkmm] How to make a toplevel window visible with a popup window

>I've tried to use the Gtk::Window::set_transient_for but as the main window 
>is a derived class of Gtk::Window when a use:

its rather unusual in C++ programming to make use of the "this"
pointer except where referring to the object as a whole. 


works just the same.

>the compiler says that it can't  find a function like 
>toplevel_window->set_transient_for(popup_window*&) and that the candidates 
>are Gtk::Window::set_transient_for(Gtk::Window*&).

thats because you are passing in a ptr-to-Gtk::Window, as the error
indicates. try

       toplevel_window->set_transient_for (*popup_window);	   

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