Re: [gtkmm] Glade-2, libgtkmm, Xml::create, callbacks

El Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 08:52:23AM +0200, Murray Cumming escribio:
> You seem to assume that the developer would like one global class to
> catch all signals, or maybe one class associated with each .glade file.
> I'm sure that's not what people want - it's not much better than static
> functions.

No, in fact my solution can connect each signal to a different objet,
that's possible because each objet instance register itself with a
name given in it's constructor:
>>  myClass obj("obj_name_used_in_glade_file");

Then, the autoconnector can select the correct instance searching in
the registered objet's list.

I investigated my approach further, and all the infrastructure to do
it is working, _except_ the name mangler! Searching in google for
a name mangler shows that it can't be done in a compiler-independent
way, so a solution could be using a g++ only approach. But the mangler
in g++ is GPL, not LGPL.

Any hints?


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