Re: [gtkmm] Q: How to layout objects on a Notebook page

D. R. Evans wrote:

I have a very simple usage question. After spending several hours trying

Thanks so much for the replies.

It turned out that the problem was in my lack of understanding, not of gtkmm, but Dev-C++ (I am on Windows). I mistakenly thought that "Compile and Run" would do the same thing as the similar command in Microsoft Dev. Studio: recompile everything that needs recompiling, and then link (just like using "make") -- but what it actually seems to is to compile only some files, not necessarily all of the ones that depend on files that have changed. I suspect that this is a bug in Dev-c++, but in any case the trick is to do a "Rebuild all" every time any file is changed.

This, of course, is tedious and slow, but it seems like that's the only way to be certain that all the necessary files are recompiled properly. Once I realised this, using an HBox worked fine.

One more question: how to control the width of a combo? I have a combo that has two values, "true" and "false", but the width of the combo is far greater than necessary.


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