Re: [gtkmm] Q: How to layout objects on a Notebook page

cut text to make the list smaller :-)

I have a very simple usage question. After spending several hours trying various things,


I have a Notebook, and on the first page I want to place a label and a combo, so that they more or less look like this:

 This is the label:    [this is
                        the combo]


You should really give glade-2 a try. It will show you a graphical way to lay out your window and the widgets inside it, and then you can ask glade to generate code for you c/c++ etc... that way you can get an example of how to do things.

However, to help you a bit, you will need to put a frame inside a window and then inside that frame, you could put to HBox'es. In the left HBox you could put a label "this is the label" and in the right one you can put whatever you want. Containers like [H|V]Box and Frame, paned, and others, can contain whatever other widgets you want (thus the name "containers"). However, this is understood better when using Glade -- at least for the first few times you create a GUI.

Hope that helps...

Luis Mondesi
System Administrator

lemsx1 hotmail com

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