Re: [gtkmm] How to modify Gdk::Pixbuf data

Silviu D Minut <minutsil cse msu edu> writes:

> Thanks for answering!
> > Don't do that. Work directly on the pixbuf data, then call simply call
> > image->set_pixbuf(pixbuf) (or whatever) when you are done.
> The work that needs to be done on the pixbuf may be extremely
> computationally intensive. Is it still ok to work directly on the pixbuf
> data?

Yeah, pixbufs are client-side data. Before they can be displayed, they
need to be sent to the X server (then the data is referred to as
pixmaps). So your changes will not be visible until you tell the
particular image to use the same pixbuf again.

Ole Laursen

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