Re: [gtkmm] Window questions

SMS WebMaster wrote:
> Hi
> I have a few question I hope if someone can answer any of them
> 1. How can I make a window below other windows ?
> 2. How can I make a window top of other windows ?
> 3. How can I diable including a window in taskbar ?
> 4. How can I diable including a window in pager ?
1-2-3-4 depends on your windows manager (look at doc regarding it)
> 5. Is there any website that give me some GTK tips ? (like 
> &
examples and book distributed with the source
gtk* mailing list

> 6. I want to make the user able to move a window by the mouse, how can I 
> do that ? (For example, when the user pres the left button in the middle 
> of the window and move the mouse the window will move with it)
Catch the mouse press event and move the window coordinates depending on
mouse movement

> 7. How can I remove the "title bar" from a window ?
Usually it depends on tyou window manager  
Look at the wheelbarrow example for particular window "form" in
examples/windows dir

> Thank you

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