Re: [gtkmm] how to get MenuItem text ?

Thank you bart :) nice tip

bart wrote:
Well, this is not exactly what you're looking for, but maybe it helps.
You can use optionmenu1.get_history() to get the index. And since i
usually set the index from a list/vector/whatever it's quite easy to
find the corresponding text.

If someone knows a more efficient way to do this I'd be glad to hear it



On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 01:09, SMS WebMaster wrote:


I want to get the MenuItem text but I didn't find any function for that !!!

Any help on that ?

because I am using the "OptionMenu" and I want to get the text of the item the user selected, here is my code :

void PrefWindow::on_optionmenu1_changed()

Gtk::Menu *me = optionmenu1->get_menu();
Gtk::MenuItem *myItem = me->get_active();



-*- If Linux doesn't have the solution, you have the wrong problem -*-

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