RE: [gtkmm] Design Question

> From: Craig Slusher [mailto:ouslush columbus rr com] 
> > I wrote a something about this on the gnomemm-list:
> >   
> > Does this help? Comments?

It should also be possible to instantiate a new derived C++ class as a
wrapper for an existing GTK+ instance, instead of one of the standard gtkmm
classes from Glib::wrap(). But the GTK+ instance would have to be generated
from libglademm, because it needs libglade to instantiate a gtkmm_ Gtype.

I'm thinking of something like this, and some time ago I did the gtkmm_
stuff in libglade to make it possible:

class DerivedButton : public Gtk::Button
  DerivedButton(GtkButton* cobject)
  : Gtk::Button(cobject)

Or maybe it should have a DerivedButton::DerivedButton(Gtk::Button*) and
take ownership, but that might get complicated.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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