[gtkmm] Installing gtkmm

Hi All,

I am a newbie just started using gtk. I have installed glade 2 in my
computer already and it is working fine with C language. When I try to
C++ code from it, it asked me to install glademm and it is now
successfully installed. But when I try to compile the code, it asked for
gtkmm. To install gtkmm, libsigc++ has to installed first - according to
gtkmm website. i have installed that as well. but now, when I try to
install gtkmm, it says, sigc++ not found. Where could I find this
program, and is it a necessary one even if I have libsigc++? But, after
installing libsigc++ i did a "pkgconfig' to see if it is there, i got no
results. I am now confused. Help me out please.


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